Because every woman needs a little Therapy...

Saturday, 20 December 2014

Festive Greetings From All At Therapy!

Hello Ladies, are you feeling festive yet?! 

I must admit that up until yesterday I was feeling more "bah humbug" than "deck the halls". As I discussed in my last blog, our duties and responsibilities can overtake the joys in life and leave us panicking instead of enjoying the moment. But after a fun Saturday in our wee shop I am now ready for Christmas.

Okay so we don't have any snow (a good thing really) but Therapy & Petworth are looking cheery and twinkly and the prospect of this Saturday 6th December's Christmas extravaganza have got me well and truly in the mood...

Oops - as you can see, I started writing this blog a couple of weeks ago and my lack of technical knowhow plus some computer glitches have delayed me once more. (Note to self: First New Year's resolution is to get up to speed with my computer skills!)

It's now Thursday 18th December and lovely Ann, our fab and loyal part - timer, is off to St Richards for an operation. Not much of a way to celebrate Christmas, but a reality for many. Ill health is no respecter of traditions and this time of year is difficult for a lot of us. But the thought that the New Year will bring a positive, healthier, happier state is worth holding on to. I'm sure, like all of us at Therapy, you will wish Ann a speedy recovery and look forward to welcoming her back in 2015.

December is always a time for reflection, for taking stock of the year that has been and expressing gratitude for all that we have. Any good fortune that we have been blessed with is all the more precious because of the tough times that we have survived. Christmas can be stressful but it is also a delightful way to join together and show our appreciation of our family and friends - to say thank you to everyone who has supported us and shared their time and love with us.

The last few trading days before the Christmas break are my favourite: not because they're the busiest but because they are the happiest. By the time our customers come to us, all the boring tasks are complete and they're feeling relaxed and in the mood to celebrate. 

This year I have persuaded Chris that Therapy will be closed on Saturday 27th. This means that I will have four days off. Hooray! This is the best Christmas present that I could hope for. I wish you will all a little time to yourselves over the festive period.

I'd better get this posted before Christmas is over! Have a wonderful time and thank you to all of you for your continuing support. Here's to a happy and healthy 2015.

Love, Laura xx

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