So here I am, it's Monday again and I just don't know where the last week has gone! I've been sitting here now for about ten minutes trying to think of what to write about this week and I'm coming up with zilch! I've had a busy morning changing everything in the windows and on the mannequins in the shop, then it was lunch and now it's 3 o'clock and my mind is blank, I think I must have used up all of today's brain cells. And on top of that I've got my first yoga class tonight, I just hope I don't fall asleep in it. Life is just too busy sometimes! Lets take a look at my coming week....
Tomorrow I'm into work until 12.30pm, then I have to dash home grab a bite to eat, catch the 1.20pm train to Portsmouth for an interview for my passport at 3.00pm, my very first one, as we are off to Rome and Florence in October. Hope it doesn't take too long as I have to get back home sharpish to cook tea early as my husband has got a group of 20 people for a talk and tour around the gardens at 6.45pm!!!!!!!!
Wednesday we are off on a buying trip to London at 8.30am,this is for Spring/Summer 2013!!!! When we get back later that afternoon I then have food shopping to do as my husband and one of my stepsons are off to the Goodwood Festival of Speed for four days. I need to be back in time for said stepson to arrive to stay for 3 days!!!
Thursday a brief respite of a day at work! Bliss! But said husband and stepson would have got up at 6.00am to get off bright and early to the FOS. So before work it's take the 3 dogs out for a walk and feed them and the 3 cats! Shower, dry hair etc. Take the dogs to the person looking after them for the day.
Friday is another buying trip to London with the added jobs of Thursday as second day of FOS!!!
Saturday is my day off this week but shall have all the house cleaning, washing, dog walking, food shopping etc to do.
So all in all it's no wonder the weeks fly by and I have no brain cells left.
But needless to say Therapy is still here and looking as wonderful as ever with loads of scrummy clothes, shoes, jewellery, handbags and gifts for you to buy. So while your husbands or boyfriends are at the FOS come and spend some 'you' time with us. Petworth has some fantastic shops and lots of fab cafes, restaurants and delis for you to refuel at. It really is well worth a visit. Petworth is the place to take life at a slower pace and relax.
Look forward to meeting you all.
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