Because every woman needs a little Therapy...

Saturday, 28 September 2013


Hello Ladies

Well as I write this there is a hint of Autumn in the air, roll on the golden colours, misty mornings, dewy cobwebs, woodsmoke in the air, warming hot chocolate, cosy knits and fur lined boots......
As you might have worked out I love Autumn......

As it's the start of a new season and there are so many things to tempt us in the shops. Here at Therapy we have decided to give our lovely loyal customers something the form of the Therapy Loyalty Card.

We are launching the Therapy Loyalty Card tomorrow, Saturday 28th September. 

Here's how it's going to work. Every time you spend £50 in Therapy you will receive a point on your card and when you have collected 10 points on your card you will receive a £50 Therapy Loyalty Voucher. We will keep your cards in the shop so they don't get lost or left in another handbag!!!! The only thing we need you lovely ladies to do is to fill in your details on the card, and then only the once as we will do it for subsequent cards. 

Here in Therapy we have a little mascot called ' Thelma ' and she is a 'Theraputian', when you have your Therapy Loyalty Card you will become a ' Theraputian ' too!!

We do so appreciate all our lovely loyal customers and just wanted to say a big ' thank you ' to all of you for the past nine and half  years of support you have given us.

Therapy is full to bursting with scrummy knits, snuggly coats, colourful cords, divine dresses, fabulous furry boots, cosy scarves and a whole lot more. They are selling very quickly and some items are already sold out, so don't hang around too long before your next visit.

Take care,
Louise x

Thursday, 12 September 2013

WE'VE DONE IT............

BREAKING NEWS...........we've finally finished our new website!!!!! Hip Hip Hooray!!!!

After much deliberation we decided to revamp our website. The reason being that our old one was lovely but very static, we were not able to do anything to the site ourselves. We couldn't put new pictures up when we had exciting new things in, or let you all know when we had any news ie our sales or promotions. Laura has been working very hard to get it all up together with myself and my husband helping (hindering) with pictures, wording and layout. There are still a few bits and bibs to tweak, but with the onset of Autumn we decided it was a good time to launch it (sounds a bit like a ship).
We have kept it very simple and user friendly. We have put loads of lovely pictures of our stock on it for you to drool over, don't forget that you can purchase over the phone and we can post the items to you. We recently sent three pairs of our famous La Badia pumps to Australia!!! The lady was so pleased with them.
Do have a look at it and let us know what you think!! There is a contact page, so it's nice and easy. Also there's a direct link to this blog from there as well!!
I'm not going to tell you what other goodies we've put on the site, it would spoil it for you!!
Just google Therapy Petworth and bobs your uncle there we are.

Autumn has arrived with gusto!!! Bit of a shock to go from temperatures of 30c to 17c in the space of a couple of days....Brrrrrrr!!!!

Well nows as good a time as any to come into Therapy or look at the website to see what scrummy Autumn collections we have for you. It's selling fast so don't be too slow off the mark or you'll miss out.

Our particular favourites at the moment are all the pale pink and grey from Oui and the burnt oranges and greens from Noa Noa and Avoca.

Our boots have arrived too. My favourites are the soft leather knee high lace boots from Noa Noa, drool, drool......

Again scarves are going big this Autumn/Winter, we've already had to do a re-order of some of our Fraas ones as we've sold out of them!!!! And they'd completely sold out of our most favourite one, so well done all you early birds who got those!!!

Have any if you succumbed to putting your heating on yet????? I haven't but I have put on an extra jumper in the evenings and I was thinking of getting my Avoca blanket out the other evening to pop over my legs!!! You do know that we sell lovely wool or mohair blankets in amazing colours from Avoca, don't you????

Hope this has given you all a little taster of what we are up to at the moment....
Don't forget to keep checking the website for up to date info.
I do this blog once a month as I find I've had enough time to think of a new story. I used to do it weekly but my brain said " no, too much".....

Do pop in and say "hello" to us next time your passing....

Take care