Because every woman needs a little Therapy...

Wednesday, 18 July 2012


First off I must start with an apology for this weeks blog being late!

As you know I normally write the blog on a Monday but not this week as we had the exciting event of the Olympic Torch Relay coming to Petworth on that day. We decided to open the shop an hour early, at 9.00am, so we could close from 10.00am until 11.00am so we could get a good spot to watch the Torch! Good job we did, as when I arrived at the car park it was already filling up and loads of people were starting to grab the best spots! Oh no what to do? Well my husband was coming in to watch, he thought he would arrive about 10.00am, but I ohoned him to let him know that it would have to be earlier as there would be no parking spaces left or good spots to view from. So he duly arrived at about 9.15am having parked down by the doctors and walked in, also a good exit point for getting back to work, and said he would hold a couple of spaces for Ann and myself. As we got in at 8.30am we had plenty of time to get the shop hoovered and dusted ready for a busy day! We also had orange juice, bucks fizz and shortbread biscuits on the go for any early customers, who much appreciated it as the weather was foul!! Typical English weather! We could feel the excitement building as the minutes ticked by, all the babble of the schoolchildren on their way to Petworth Park to greet the Torch, families with brollies heading for the Square, New Street and East Street! Well at about 9.50am we decided as no-one was now coming into the shop we would close and grab our spot! With Macs on and brollies up we found my husband, looking suitably soggy, and started to wait. Well it poured down, but spirits were high and the excitement was growing even more. A few odd policemen on bikes came through the square and got a big cheer! We had a security man near us and we could hear what was happening over his walkie-talkie, which was good. We then got to hear a lot of cheering and music as the Torch made it's way into Petworth Park, it was nearly here, and the rain had sort of stopped! Finally the sponsors vehicles came through the Square, then loads of policemen on motorbikes and pushbikes! And then the Torch, carried by a lovely young girl, who looked like she was having a ball, what an experience for her! And then it was all over, and we made a mad dash back to open the shop back up for all those soggy people who were going to come in! And come in they did for orange juice, bucks fizz and...... THE SALE!!!

Yes THE SALE started on Saturday 15th July.....

Did you get the e-mail about it? If not, then you're not on our e-mail list and you need to be, you are missing out. If you would like to be on it either pop into the shop and jot it down on our list, and have a good rummage in all the lovely sale things at the same time, or leave it as a comment on the blog or leave it on our website.

Do pop along to our sale as we do have lots of bargains! We've even got some La Badia shoes in the sale and they never go in the sale!

See you soon

Take care

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