Because every woman needs a little Therapy...

Monday, 2 July 2012

10% OFF EVERYTHING...........

Now you are asking yourself why we are giving 10% off everything!

Well it's something called "Independents Day". Have you heard about it? No! Well let me explain......

Independents Day is a national campaign aimed at celebrating the UK's independent retailers. Independents Day encourages the public to buy at least one thing from their local, independent shop on this day.

The campaign highlights the important role smaller, local, independent retailers play in the communities they serve, the local economy they contribute to, and in the retail sector as a whole.

Independents Day flies the flag for local retailers: the ones who help make our villages, towns and cities so special. It's about championing diversity on the high street and recognising the skills behind the shopfront.

This is the second year of the "Independents Day" campaign and once again the independent retailers in Petworth have entered into the spirit of it by celebrating it for a week. You will see all our independent stores decked out in Red, White and Blue in some form or another, so keep your eyes open! We at Therapy are giving our wonderful loyal customers 10% off everything for the week!! Yes you read that correctly 10% off everything for a week.

So if you've been thinking about treating yourself to a pair of La Badia pumps, that never go in the sale, come this week and get 10% off them! Or that pair of NYDJ or FDJ jeans you've been saving up for, the best jeans ever, visit us this week and get 10% off them. Or that Avoca blanket that's so scrummy, and would look good on your sofa, yes thats got 10% off too! Everything, all of it has 10% off!

Don't miss out. Make us your destination of the week. Help us celebrate Petworths' Independent Week.

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