Because every woman needs a little Therapy...

Monday, 26 January 2015

January Blues...and Pinks, and Greens...

Happy New Year Ladies! 

I find it's hard to get going after the Festive Season (is that why my Blog is once again so tardy?!)  

I've worked out that my best plan of action is to keep busy - doing things that don't tax my brain too heavily but that give me a sense of satisfaction on completion. In the shop that means Spring cleaning, remerchandising, staff rotas, writing tickets for newly arriving stock and Sale planning. In the winter months when business is quiet it feels good to look forward and to know that when our lovely customers do emerge from hibernation that Therapy will be spick and span and ready to shine. 

So what do we have in store for you?

Well our Sale starts this Saturday 31st January. I'll be mailing you all later this week but I can tell you that we're having a bit of a clear out on our La Badia pumps. I know it doesn't happen often so this is your chance to stock up on colours that won't be available again. We'll have our usual broad selection of winter clothing (plenty of time still to get your wear out of them) as well as scarves, gloves and the remaining stock of our gorgeous Avoca rugs.

The reason we'll be clearing some of our homewares is that we're hoping to move our shoe stockroom to part of our basement. As many of you will know, our shoes are currently stored in a room above Therapy - meaning that we have to do a quick sprint out of the shop and up the stairs every time you request a shoe. While this is undoubtedly good exercise, it's not terribly practical! So be prepared for a wee bit of chaos while we make this change.

Sale time is always one of mixed emotions for me: It's great to clear out the previous season's stock ready for all the new deliveries, but I spend a lot of my prep time wondering what on earth I was thinking about when I bought some of the items languishing in the stockroom!

But the thrill of receiving a new delivery buoys me up again and I start to look forward to the coming year. The trees are ripe with buds, the birds are tweeting, the days are getting longer and Spring is on its way - hooray!

You'll all be pleased to hear that Ann is doing well after her operation. She still has a number of challenges ahead (as I'm sure many of you do) but we are looking forward to seeing her back in Therapy on a part-time basis very soon. We miss her! 

I hope that 2015 brings peace, contentment and satisfaction for you all. I read once that suffering is the gap between expectation and reality. So my new year's resolution is to expect less and enjoy "what is" more. I'll let you know how that goes!

Until my next post we'll look forward to seeing you during the Sale and getting your feedback on the new Spring 2015 collections. I for one have a good feeling about this year!

Laura x 

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