Because every woman needs a little Therapy...

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Ne'er Cast A Cloot 'til May Gans Oot!

Hello Ladies, welcome to May! 

Today's title is a wee bit of Scots for you. What does it mean? Well, you know what it means - it's the Scottish version of the English saying: Don't take your clothes off until the Hawthorn is in bloom! 

Now both the month of May and the "May tree" are close to my heart. May is the month of Chris & my wedding; May is the month of Therapy's birth! May is the month of my dear mum's birthday and Hawthorn one of her favourite blooms.

Since the arrival of our new doggy Bess, I find myself out on the Shimmings every morning at 6.30am. I don't mind the early start - rather that than being spotted by anyone I know in my pjs, no makeup and with my hair on end! I'm only half awake but I still manage to appreciate the beauty around me. As Bess is dragging me after rabbits I make sure that I can pause to enjoy the blossom and beautiful bouquet of the burgeoning Hawthorn trees. I love the smell of them - sweet almonds - like marzipan - heavenly! And the flowers so delicate and perfect...  

Yes it's our birthday - Therapy will be ten this month! A decade since we opened our doors - it's hard to believe isn't it? I tell you what really brings it home to me, it's the age of our customers' children. Once they were wee tots of 7 and 11, now they're driving cars and graduating from university - scary!

Therapy's tenth birthday celebrations will coincide with the Bank Holiday weekend at the end of the month. So I'm thinking we could have an evening soiree where we can all get tiddly, chat to our friends and stagger home. Or we could have a three day shopping extravaganza with double loyalty points (and fizz of course!) 

So instead of needing to spend £500 before you receive a £50 loyalty gift voucher, you'll only have to spend £250. That works out as 20% discount...but don't mention equation to Chris or he might change his mind! 

And if we open Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holiday Monday then it will hopefully give all of you lovely, hard working ladies the chance to take benefit of our tenth birthday present to you. Lovely. 

Ah but that's a few weeks away. Why we've only just finished the last Bank Holiday. There are rumours that there's a heatwave on the way - hooray! You'll be needing to freshen up last year's summer wardrobe then? 

Well you all know where we are and Therapy's full of all sorts of yummy things, so come in and say hello - we always love to see you.

Laura x 

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