Because every woman needs a little Therapy...

Saturday, 18 May 2013


Hello Ladies

Hope you are all keeping well and not feeling too down in the mouth about our lovely English weather!!!! Well we wouldn't be English if we didn't moan about the weather!!!!!

Did you know that Therapy is just about to celebrate its 9th Birthday!!!!


But oh my goodness where did that time go!!!

Laura came upon Petworth by chance, she got lost, stopped and had a look round and fell in love with the place. She went back home to London and told Chris all about Petworth and said that they just had to move here and open a shop!! They found our lovely little shop, though it wasn't a lovely little shop at the time, it was a butchers!!!! And after months of sweat and tears Therapy emerged from the rubble!! It was Laura's vision that Therapy should be everything that the High Street wasn't. And I think she has achieved this through hard work and determination!!

We like to think that Therapy is a place that ladies feel relaxed enough just to come in for a mooch and a chat if they want to. We are not about the hard sell, we do not tell you you look great in something if it you do not, we have time to spend as long as you want us to spend with you, we are here for you. We always remember a face, if not always your name, and if you've been away on holiday, or had a special party or even if you've just got a new dog!! We love dogs coming into the shop, we even have treats out the back for them!!! I've even had ladies tell me their woes and troubles, and I feel so honoured that they feel comfortable enough with me to do that, and they have told me they feel so much better when they are ready to leave Therapy. There's always a hug available if you need it!! No seriously, I've given hugs to many a customer!!!

So when you visit Therapy it's not just for Retail Therapy!!!!

Times are challenging for everyone at the moment and we are doing our best to find you lovely ladies good quality, different, scrummy, fab clothes and shoes at a good price!! Laura and I do the buying together, glamourous you think!!! No it's hard work. We take photos of everything we have chosen and then sit down together and group things together ie trousers, knits, tops etc. We then look at the colours from each collection and see what will work with what. Then the really hard work starts, what sizes to chose!!! You can guarantee that if we go larger everyone wants it smaller and vice versa!!!! And then we have to take account of the weather, Winter is by far the easier to buy for but Summer, what a nightmare!!!!! Oh and yes the big thing is we have to order in advance!!! So in Feb/Mar we are looking and ordering for the coming Winter! And then in Aug/Sept we are looking and ordering for the following Summer. It's not the easiest job in the world, but it is fun!!!!

So ladies I hope that gives you a little insight into what Therapy is all about!

At the moment we do have some gorgeous collections in, even if we don't have the weather!!! As we're always saying "layers"!!!

We also have a reduction on end of line La Badia pumps!!! Now there's an offer to tempt you!!! Usually £99 now £79, come and grab them while you can as only limited sizes!!

Take care


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