Because every woman needs a little Therapy...

Wednesday, 20 March 2013


Hello again lovely ladies, hope you are all well and bearing up under these grey clouds we seem to be   having all the time.......too depressing!!!! And also to think this time last year we were having very warm sunny weather, I can remember sitting in my garden and it being bliss!!! Ho Hum!!! Well it will arrive eventually, fingers crossed!!!!

On that note I asked our resident ' Pam Ayres ' to write us a few lines to hurry Spring on its way to us.......


Hello Spring! How great it is
To see you once again,
The little birds in such a tis
are making nests, yet are quite tame,

Trilling out their lovely songs
and preening their feather tresses,
Coloured flowers in their throngs,
Trees wearing their fairy dresses.

So join with us, and come along
To Therapy, where you will see
all the colours of nature for you to don,
a match for any feather, blossom or leaf.

Hopefully that makes you feel a little more springlike!!!!

And as the poem says we do have some wonderful colours in for this season that would cheer up any grey day!!! And oh how much better we feel when we wear colour, it lifts the mood. So lets get out of our black, grey and brown and wear those greens, oranges, pinks, yellows,blues and reds!!! Cheer everyone up, cheer yourself up!!! It might still be a tad cold outside but in Therapy it is lovely and warm for you to try on all our scrummy clothes, be brave and take the plunge!!! And as the saying goes " the early bird gets the worm" so to avoid disappointment of us not having your size left pop
along to us nice and early!!!!!

And on that note with the sun trying bravely to chase the grey clouds away, I shall take my leave....

Go well

Thursday, 7 March 2013


Yes our famous LA BADIA suede pumps from Florence are here. We have four new stunning colours for the Spring/Summer season.

A mouthwatering Green, a sunny Orange, a cool Pale Blue/Jade and a very good neutral Tan.

We also have our full range of our new Noa Noa shoes in. The Gold dancing shoes would be particularly good for all those Summer weddings, parties, and get togethers. And the Ruffle wedge is so cute and pretty, the pale mushroom colour looks so good with everything, I can assure you that you won't want to wear any other shoes!!! We also have the stunning Silver baseball boot, they are heavenly. The process they put them through means that the more you wear them the more vintage they will look, scrummy.

It's time to dig those summer shoes out from the back of the wardrobe and under the bed and have a good old look at them. Are they looking their best??? Are they looking a little tired??? Should they be relegated to only be worn when gardening???? Did they make your feet hurt??? Or are you just fed up with them!!!!

So why don't you pop in and feast your eyes on our wonderful array of shoes!!!

I mustn't forget to mention the Toni Pons shoes that you all loved last year!! We have them again this year in more styles and colours!! Yippee!!!!

Sorry that my blog is not that long today but I have a stinking cold and my brain doesn't want to work!!! You would think that now it's March and Spring is here that colds etc would all just go away, but no, and god knows where I got mine from!!! I normally have a very strong constitution and never have colds!!!! So come on sun and warm weather do your thing!!!

Oh yes and don't forget that it's MOTHERS DAY on Sunday!!! We've got a wide range of scarves, jewellery, bags, candles and soaps that would make ideal Mothers Day presents!!!!